News & Events

Ausstellung CCE 2025

CCE 2025

We are looking forward to one of the most important exhibitions in Europe for corrugated board market and as usual we will participate as exhibitors. You can find us at the Stand number 1150 where we will be showcasing one…
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FACHPACK 2024 in Nürnberg

Auch dieses Jahr nehmen wir an der europäischen Fachmesse für Verpackung, Technologie und Verarbeitung in Nürnberg teil. Besuchen Sie uns am Stand 617 in Halle 7, wo wir unseren manuellen Kartonierer Boxmatic sowie alle neuen Optionen und Upgrades für alle…
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OPEN HOUSE – 03.06 – 30.06.24


We would like to invite you to visit our company during this June for the Open House. We will introduce to you all production lines, their options, advantages and differences which we can demonstrate to you on the site on…
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OPEN HOUSE – 01.-31.10.2023

Would you like to see the premises where SOLARCO boxmaking machines are assembled, how much manufacturing technology is required to produce all its parts, what automation is used to stock these parts and more? Then we offer you an invitation…
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